Thursday, May 5, 2011

Type 3 Diabetes?

What is this I hear about Alzheimer's being classified as Type 3 diabetes? 
My question #1: Does insulin act like a neurotransmitter in the brain?  Or is its role hormonal as elsewhere?
Funny fact #1: Decreases in the levels of insulin in the brain damage neurons and lead to symptoms of Alzheimer's.
Funny fact #2: Insulin resistance (just as a drug tolerance) occurs in the brain!  This process can start as young adults.  Symptoms won't show up until insulin production can't keep up with demand.  Then glucose can't get into cells and brain cells starve.  Especially in the hippocampus, hello memory problems.
Freaky fact #1: This has started to happen to me!!! AND it was coincidentally when I got a high GTT result and started researching/realizing how refined carbs are messing with me.

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